올해 몬트리올 국제음악콩쿠르 상금, 역대 최고

우승 김수연은 총 1억7천만원 혜택

2021-05-16     이시우 기자

[더프리뷰=서울] 이시우 기자 = 5월 14일 막을 내린 제19회 몬트리올 국제음악콩쿠르(Concours Musical International de Montréal, CMIM PIANO 2021)에서 1등상을 받은 피아니스트 김수연(27)의 상금이 무려 1억7천만원에 이르는 것으로 알려져 화제가 되고 있다. 메이저급 국제음악대회의 상금 규모가 만만치않은 것은 이미 알려진 사실이지만 이번 CMIM의 상금 규모는 눈길을 끌기에 충분하다.

김수연은 이번 대회 우승으로 몬트리올시가 수여하는 3만 캐나다달러(약 2천800만원)의 상금을 비롯해 음반제작 지원, 북미순회연주 등 CMIM 사상 최고 금액인 약 18만 캐나다달러(약 1억7천만원)의 혜택을 받게 된다.

2위는 일본의 치바 요이치로, 3위는 프랑스의 디미트리 말리냥(Dimitri Malignan)이 차지했다. 말리냥은 2등상 외에 몬트리올 바흐축제상(Festival Bach Montréal Award for the best performance of a work by J. S. Bach)과 특별상(ICI Musique Audience Award)도 받았다.

주최측은 올해 대회의 상금 총액이 23만5천 캐나다달러(약 2억1천150만원)로 역대 최고를 기록하게 된 것은 오로지 후원자들의 호의 덕분이라고 밝혔다.

호기심 많은 독자들을 위해 올해 CMIM의 상금 내역을 알아본다. 다음은 주최측이 발표한 상금 내역(단위는 캐나다달러).

Prizes and AWARDS
The Concours musical international de Montréal (CMIM) will give out a record amount of $235.000 and awards during its 19th piano edition.

Never could such a sum be offered without the exceptional contribution of generous partners who support our mission.

First Prize: Su Yeon Kim (South Korea)
Value of $180.000

Grand Cash Prize
offered by Ville de Montréal

Joseph Rouleau Career Development Grant
offered by Azrieli Foundation

Solo recording on the Steinway & Sons record label and launch event at Steinway Hall in New York City
offered by Steinway & Sons

Normand Beauchamp winner’s concert tour in three North-American cities
offered by Sarah Beauchamp

Concerto performance with the CMIM’s official orchestra, the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal
offered by the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal

Artist Residency at Canada’s Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity
offered by Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity

Career Management and Concert Bookings
offered by Forbes International Artist Management

Pierre-Péladeau et Raymonde-Chopin Second Prize: Yoichiro Chiba (Japan)
offered by Quebecor

Third Prize: Dimitri Malignan (France)
offered by Stingray Classica

+ International solo recitals offered to one of the laureates chosen by Steinway & Sons
offered by Steinway & Sons

Special Awards

ICI Musique Audience Award: Dimitri Malignan
offered by Ici Musique

André Bourbeau Award for the best Canadian artist: Alice Burla
offered by la Fondation Bourbeau

Bita Cattelan Philanthropic Engagement Award: Anna Han
offered by Bita Cattelan

The Bita Cattelan Philanthropic Engagement Award recognizes a competitor who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to community through volunteerism, involvement, or support of a charitable cause. The competitor will donate 50% of the value of the prize to the cause or project of his choice.

André Bachand Award for the best performance of the compulsory Canadian work: Alice Burla
offered by Claudette Hould

Festival Bach Montréal Award for the best performance of a work by J. S. Bach: Dimitri Malignan
offered by Festival Bach Montréal

5 Finalist Grants to unranked finalists

• Alice Burla, Canada
3 000 $ – grant offered by Groupe Colabor

• Francesco Granata, Italy
3 000 $ – grant offered by Pierre Seccareccia

• Ying Li, China
3 000 $ – grant offered by Cogeco

• Chaeyoung Park, South Korea
3 000 $ – grant offered by CGI

• Marcel Tadokoro, France
3 000 $ – grant offered by Janine Bombardier et Sadok Besrour